
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Stroopwafel story

A long time ago, in the Netherlands, there was a family named Gouda. They built a castle by the river with a big fortress to protect the castle and its citizens. As they were the first people to settle in the area, the town was named after them.

Over the time, Gouda has become famous for trading cheese and was named after the city as Gouda cheese.  The city is also known for something sweeter, which is made in the city and is well-known. It is stroopwafel and this is where our story begins.

Once there was a baker in town. He made the perfect bread with crunchy crust taken out of the oven just in time. He had a daughter, who was a tiny human creature. She was so tiny that she could hardly lift a duckling.

Soon it was time to celebrate her birthday and he wanted to make something special for her.

As he was cleaning the place for the night, he gathered the breadcrumbs and thought, “What a waste.” “Oh, wait a minute,” the baker exclaimed, “Instead of throwing them away, maybe I can put them together.”

He ran around the bakery, pushing the baking tools to one side then to the other. Suddenly, he saw a funny looking form with tiny squares inside. He never used before. While inspecting the form, he realized that the tiny cuts were perfect for the breadcrumbs. He added some flavoring and pressed it together. The result was a very thin bread looking like a big cookie, which he named waffle.

The waffles were so delicate and to make them thicker, he spread some honey and put two of them together like a sandwich. The result was a sweet stroopwafel.

The stroopwafel became a favorite treat of kids, spreading its fame around the town and later outside throughout Netherlands.


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